

  What is geoscience? Geoscience is the study of the Earth - its oceans, atmosphere, rivers and lakes, ice sheets and glaciers, soils, its complex surface, rocky interior, and metallic core. This includes many aspects of how living things, including humans, interact with the Earth. Geoscience has many tools and practices of its own but is intimately linked with the biological, chemical, and physical sciences. Geoscience investigates the past, measures the present, and models the future behavior of our planet. But it also involves the study of other planets, asteroids, and solar systems, both to better understand the Earth and to expand our knowledge of the universe. Learn More Explore the Geosciences   (Website)  American Geosciences Institute A wide range of information products covering five major areas of geoscience that impact people: climate, energy, natural hazards, mineral resources, and water Directorate for Geosciences   (Website)  National Science Foundation Homepage for the

agricultural sciences

  Agricultural sciences , sciences dealing with food and fibre production and processing. They include the technologies of   soil   cultivation, crop cultivation and harvesting, animal production, and the processing of   plant   and animal products for human   consumption   and use.   See also   agricultural technology . Food   is the most basic human need. The   domestication   and cultivation of plants and animals beginning more than 11,500 years ago were aimed at ensuring that this need was met, and then as now these activities also fit with the relentless human drive to understand and control Earth’s   biosphere . Over the last century and a half, many of the world’s political leaders have recognized what India’s   Jawaharlal Nehru   did, that “most things except agriculture can wait.” Scientific methods have been applied widely, and the results have revolutionized agricultural production. Under the conditions of prescientific agriculture, in a good   harvest   year, six people can